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Arlington Jazz Festival 2019

Jennifer Hruska

Great crowds and performances at the 8th annual Arlington Jazz Festival in Arlington, MA.

“This festival is nothing short of amazing. I feel like I'm in New York City.”

So says Naomi Bailis commenting on the superb line of opening acts and headliners for the 2019 Arlington Jazz Festival (AJF). Put together by Dan Fox, musician and owner of the newly established AJF non-profit organization, the festival is in its 8th year and growing quickly.

District 5, a jazz quintet I'm a part of was excited to be a part of it. Peter Lesser, videographer and the drummer's son, grabbed some iPhone footage to capture it. Thanks Peter!

The Full AJF 2019 Line Up Included:

Thursday April 25 Common Ground Bar & Grill, 319 Broadway, Arlington

The Psychedelic Jazz Experiment The Boston/Havana Connection Dan Fox - trombone Hilary Noble - sax and congas Santiago Hernandez - drums and percussion ​Lionel Girardeau - bass Anibal Cruz - keyboard

Friday Daytime April 26

Kickstand Cafe, 594 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington

Morningside Music Studio Teen Jazz Combo The Bubblegum Quartet Cam Campbell - Piano  Mathew Pearl - Tenor  Leo Weisskoff - Bass Julian Lewis Carpenter - Drums

Friday Evening April 26

Town Tavern,​ 201 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington

District 5 Jazz Band - jazz fusion

Jennifer Hruska - Piano/Keyboards

Rebecca Pagano - Tenor/Sop Sax

Elizabeth Reid - Alto Sax

John Hotchkiss - Bass

Ed Lesser - Drums

Albino Mble Group - jazz/afro-pop

Saturday Daytime April 27 Robbins Library Community Room, 700 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington 

Jazz: America's Music - a family show featuring faculty from Morningside Music Studio 'Instrument Petting Zoo'  Saturday Evening April 27

ArtLounge Arlington, 1346 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington

Tino D'Agastino Trio

Mimi Rabson - violin

David Harris - trombone

​Carla Marciano Group - On tour from Italy! Carla Marciano - alto and sopranino saxophones Alessandro La Corte - piano Aldo Vigorito - bass Gaetano Fasano - drums

Sunday April 28 Arlington Town Hall, 730 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington

The A-Town Brass Band Arlington High School Jazz Band

Yosvany Terry Master Class

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